30 #Diseños de #Tarjetas de #Presentación

Hola a Todos, aquí les dejo 30 diseños de Tarjetas de Presentación las cuales me parecen muy atractivas, Esperando que sean de su agrado, sobre todo para aquellos que desean cambiar sus actuales diseños o crear su imagen corporativa, si gustan me pueden contactar y les podemos asesorar en ello.

Aquí les dejo los 30 diseños:

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Aviso a la Comunidad TI, Ejecución remota de código en #Cisco Security Agent

Me llego el avido de una vulnerabilidad en diversas versiones de #Cisco Security Agent, esta vulnerabilidad puede ser explotada de forma remota e inyectar algún tipo de código malicioso.

Esta vulnerabilidad afecta a las versiones 5.1, 5.2, y 6.0. de Cisco Security Agent, la brecha esta sobre el Centro de administración (Management Center) de Cisco Security Agent el cual podría permitir modificar las reglas de seguridad, la configuración del sistema o cualquier tarea administrativa.

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Los mejores #Tutoriales de #Photoshop de Enero 2011

Navengando me encontre con esta aportación a la comunidad, espero que les ayude a muchos, el link para ir a la pagina esta al final del post.

Estan muy

Photoshop tutorials have had a great start here in 2011, with a lot of quality photomanipulation tutorials, icon design tutorials, digital painting tutorials and graphic design tutorials being created by websites around the blogosphere.

In this post, we’ve gathered up the best Photoshop tutorials from January 2011, to get you energized and empowered with all the latest techniques and trends.

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#Templates Profesionales en #HTML y #CSS

25 #Templates profesionales en #HTML y #CSS

Aquí les dejo estos templates los cuales me parecen excelentes, mi afición por este tipo de articulos nacio gracias a una excelente diseñadora y programadora de sitios Web la cual se las puedo recomendar si les interesa solo tienen que contactarme y a vuelta de correo les enviare los datos de contacto.

A continuación les muestro los 25 ejemplos los cuales pueden accesar desde mi sitio y bajar el template si les agrada.

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Bajate un Paquete de 20 iconos #Gratis

En este post les dejo un link para bajar un paquete de 20 #iconos en formato #PGN de alta calidad y #vectorizados, para todos los amantes del #diseño.

Los formatos que se tienen en este ZIP son 48×48, 64×64, 128×128, 256×256 y512×512;

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Ataques de #DDoS, la verdad ante este tipo de ataque


En realidad, este tipo de ataques logran su cometido por una mala Arquitectura en Seguridad, se van a lo que creen es lo mas seguro, pero desafortunadamente no lo es; ya que si se ubican mal los #Firewalls y los #IPS, este tipo de ataques y los similares lograran el objetivo, me permito mostrar este articulo en donde podran observar a lo que me refiero.

Reciban un cordial saludo,

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Best @Photoshop 3D Text Effect Tutorials

Photoshop 3D text effects are in high demand these days, as they help a designer add depth to any piece, as well as a chance to showcase skills that will put his/her portfolio above the rest.  Photoshop 3D text effects are the most popular type of Photoshop 3D effect, because text is a natural focal point for a piece and offers a great area to build around.

In this collection, we’ve gathered up the best 3D Photoshop text tutorials, that will help you use Photoshop (combined with other software in some cases) to create a great 3D text effect.

If you need more of the best Photoshop tutorials, check out these posts:

The Top 50 Best Photoshop Tutorials of 2010100 Best Photoshop Tutorials of All Time11 Excellent Photoshop Tutorials to Boost CreativityThe Top 20 Photoshop Tutorials from August 2010

Have a great day.

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Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: February 2011

We always try our best to challenge your artistic abilities and produce some interesting, beautiful and creative artwork. And as designers we usually turn to different sources of inspiration. As a matter of fact, we’ve discovered the best one — desktop wallpapers that are a little more distinctive than the usual crowd. This creativity mission has been going on for almost two years now, and we are very thankful to all designers who have contributed and are still diligently contributing each month.

We continue to nourish you with a monthly spoon of inspiration for the next 12 months. This post features 40 free desktop wallpapers created by artists across the globe for February 2011. Both versions with a calendar and without a calendar can be downloaded for free. It’s time to freshen up your wallpaper!

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20 Examples of Big Typography in Web Design

Big typography is always eye catching, as the eye gravitates towards the most dominant element on the page.  The most dominant element is usually the element contrasted the most from the rest of the design, so it can be a solid color against a relatively grayscale background, or a large font against the relatively small text on the rest of the page.  Websites that use large typography are taking advantage of this fact to guide the viewer’s eye down the page.

In this post, we’ve gathered up 20 examples of big typography in web design for your design inspiration.

If you want more web design inspiration, check out these posts:

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A Look into Black and White Typography

Black-and-white typography was the first featured in printed books. It’s been around since ancient times, and everybody has seen some example of it first hand at some point. Why, especially in a world where we can print letters in any colors imaginable, does black and white typography still captivate us so much?

Black and White Typography

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April 2024